69.2 F
Monday, March 31, 2025

Alpha Phi Alpha Political Candidate Cluster Forum 1

Alexandria, La. (10/12/2022) – UrbanCast would like to commend the Epsilon PSI Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity for the excellent Political Candidate Cluster Forum last night. It seems there is a desire and maybe even a strategy to keep this election cycle turnout numbers low. Some candidates will have a better chance at victory if the people don’t attend the polls in masses.  

Alexandria has some significant issues that must be addressed. The ability to address these issues lies at our elected officials’ feet. They control the purse strings and the “pocketbook” issues we, as citizens, face. 

“A Voteless People is a Hopeless People”

We must turn out and vote for the candidate who addresses our concerns. We have chosen the wrong leaders in the past. Let’s not make that same mistake. 

Get out and vote! The livelihood of the entire city of Alexandria is at stake.

Again we want to thank the Alphas for doing their part to bring awareness to this election. 

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  1. I’m simply tired of the candidates showing up when it’s election time, and then end up ignoring their constituents when elected and serving them the same old benign neglect. Identity politics no longer works and neither does fear mongering. Most of us want policies that will matter and are beneficial today and for our future generations.

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