Alexandria, La. (11/21/2022) – Sheriff Mark Wood released the following statement on the Rapides Parish Sherrif’s Office Facebook Pages:
My responsibility as Sheriff is to be transparent and accountable to the citizens of Rapides Parish as well as our deputies. I support the release of these videos to ensure the public has a transparent and unbiased account of what occurred.
Sheriff Mark Wood
Today’s release of the videos of the incident has provided context of what occurred.
Anytime a serious injury or death is involved, it is a tragedy and families on both sides are impacted forever.
I would like to express my condolences to the Kittling family and ask for prayers of healing for our community and everyone involved.
I would like to thank the community for their patience in allowing the Louisiana State Police to conduct a thorough and impartial investigation.
And last, I would like to thank Colonel Lamar Davis and all of the investigators and troopers involved in this investigation for their integrity and professionalism during this very difficult time.
This release was posted after the Louisiana State Police (LSP) Press Briefing regarding the Deputy-involved shooting of Derrick Kittling. Mr. Kittling was shot and killed by Deputy Rodney Anderson after a traffic stop on Sunday, November 6, 2022.