Alexandria, LA. (12/22/2022) — Alexandria will experience extreme weather associated with an arctic front affecting most of the nation. Alexandria can expect temperatures below 20 degrees Fahrenheit with wind chill factors even lower, beginning Thursday and continuing through the Christmas holiday weekend.
Think about the four Ps: people, pets, plants, and pipes.
• Take precautions for your pets and plants.
• Open/ventilate cabinets around pipes to create circulation and consider if you drip water what that does to the City’s water supply: a drip should be a pencil lead thin stream—no more!
• Citizens should keep warm and stay indoors and watch out for friends, neighbors and family members who are invalid, shut in, or faced with poor heating and insulation. Citizens need to watch out for space heaters and the dangers locating heaters to other furniture, bedding, accessories, and persons in the home.
Please note the Salvation Army is organized to take care of homeless needs. Red Cross is prepping to have an emergency shelter team on standby if the governor declares an emergency. Call 911 in obvious emergencies or acute situations. Other worrisome situations can be reported to Alexandria Police Department 318-449-5099 and Alexandria Fire Department 318-441-6911.