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CLTCC’s I’Kiem Billups Named 2022 LAPCAE Student of the Year

Alexandria, La. (11/4/2022) — Central Louisiana Technical Community College (CLTCC) student I’Kiem Billups has been named the 2022 Student of the Year by the Louisiana  Association for Public, Community, and Adult Education (LAPCAE). He will be officially recognized during the organization’s annual conference on November 7-8. The event location is the Crowne Plaza Executive Center in Baton Rouge. 

“This really means a lot to me,” Billups said. “I put everything I have into what I’m doing. To get  recognized is just amazing.” 

Billups entered CLTCC as an Adult Education Program student who also dual enrolled in welding classes. He earned his HiSET high school equivalency certificate in April and entered the welding program last spring using CLTCC’s ‘Five for Six Scholarship Program,’ where he is now a full-time welding student. He has two semesters of work remaining to earn his two-year degree in welding. 

CLTCC instructor Rose Kerry nominated Billups for the award. “I chose to nominate I’Kiem because when I learned his story – he has been through tremendous tragedy,” she said.  

The oldest of four children, Billups lost the man who raised him and soon after dropped out of high school at 17. “He knew what he wanted. He wanted to help his mom and take some of the load off of her. I told him what he needed to do, and he did it,” Kerry said. “For class, he’s the first one there. He helps other students. I haven’t had a student his age persevere over the  obstacles he has faced.”  

CLTCC Chancellor Dr. Jimmy Sawtelle noted Billup’s success story highlights why the school offers adult education classes and programs like the Five for Six Scholarship Program.  “Sometimes life gives us challenges beyond our control that force us to take a different path,” Sawtelle said.” I’Kiem, like many of our students, had to make tough choices to support his family. Thanks to his commitment to continuing his education, we can help him get the skills he needs to live a better life and get a job in a high-paying, in-demand career,  which will help him and his family. We’re proud of I’Kiem, and we’re proud to be able to offer educational opportunities to support the hard-working men and women of central Louisiana as  they work to make a better life for themselves and improve our community.” 

Billups said he is looking forward to earning his two-year degree in welding and is considering building on that base to earn a four-year degree. “I want to be able to work, live a good life, take care of my family, and then one day be able to retire,” Billups said. “I’m grateful to CLTCC for helping make that possible.” 

For information about enrollment at CLTCC in their free high school equivalency program, contact the school via email at [email protected] or call (800) 278-9855. 

About the Central Louisiana Technical Community College 

Central Louisiana Technical Community College (CLTCC) is a two-year technical and community college offering associate degrees, technical diplomas, industry certificates, and customized training in more than 20 disciplines to support local workforce development and prepare students for high-demand and high-wage careers. CLTCC serves eight parishes in Central Louisiana through its eight campuses and provides instruction in one state prison and one federal correctional institution. For more information, visit  www.cltcc.edu. 

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