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Baton Rouge Police Officer arrested for domestic abuse; he hit her with his duty weapon

Baton Rouge, LA (1/19/2023) – A Baton Rouge Police Officer was arrested for domestic violence on Wednesday, January 18, 2023.

Michael Mitchell, 27, is charged with domestic abuse, domestic abuse aggravated assault, battery with a dangerous weapon, and malfeasance in office. The abuse allegedly happened in September 2022.

According to arrest documents, the couple who share at least one child got into a fight after Mitchell accused the woman of cheating on him. Mitchell allegedly pointed his gun at her, threatened to kill her, then hit her in the face with the gun.

A witness told investigators that the victim lied to doctors when she went to the hospital to be treated for her wounds.

Investigators said text messages on the victim’s phone with Mitchell collaborated the story and an additional witness saw Mitchell draw his gun.

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