75.7 F
Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Weekend Pizza

Pizza Dough

2 1/2 cups of warm water (110 to 120 degrees)
1/4 cup of sugar
3 teaspoons of yeast

  • Mix first three ingredients to activate the yeast, let it sit for 5 to 10 mins
    2 teaspoons of salt
    1/4 cup of olive oil
    6 cups of all purpose flour (add 1 cup at a time)

Dough makes 4 – #10 or 6 to 8 – #5 pizzas (freezes well)

Bake at 475 for 10 or 12 mins

Pan: BSR Century Series #10 (preheated)

Sauce: pasta sauce (cooked down to reduce water content)

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