November 19,2023 As me and my partner were heading home to enjoy the rest of our night, we came to a red light on Lee Street and Industrial in Alexandria La at approximately 7:53 pm. My car started to get fired with bullets. I instantly went numb with a blank mind as I’m seeing the bullets hit the car but I couldn’t hear anything in the moment. Never did i think I got hit until my face starts to pour blood and it starts running down the inside of my shirt. When I snapped back into reality all I could speak was his name. The first thought that came to my mind was “girl look are you breathing." I was breathing normal but tasting blood and feeling my skin in my mouth. I knew it wasn’t my time. God wasn’t ready for me. I read stories about this all the time and nobody makes it … I felt like I was being pranked because there’s no way this could be happening to me. This has shaken me up so badly idk y’all. Looking at him and seeing those bullets hit the car in that moment I became a victim of an unexpected crime that I still question why? Why me? How could this happen to me? Two shots to my face that could’ve killed me. Fractured bones. Leaving the doctors in shock that i was still able to communicate with them. 9 shots to my car that could’ve left me and my partner in ashes. A long life memory that’ll traumatize me forever. I am not okay I’m hurt, I’m discouraged, I’m confused .. The endless nights of sleep, waking up scared, getting a couple hours of sleep at a time because my mind wondering about the what if’s? How’s? and Why’s? Scared to even step outside, get inside a car, stop at a red light. Constant replay of the numbness i felt in the moment knowing I couldn’t protect myself. Wondering how worse it could have been not for only me but him too. I’ll never be the same person i was just a month ago. The devil really be walking the earth living through people making them monsters. Never would I have thought that I’ll be telling my testimony of gaining a second chance at life and I thank my almighty God himself for it. God a really show you one of his strongest ones and don’t play about you. . He kept me stable through it all. Him and my angels showed me they had me! Everybody has a story to tell but mines a bit more different. I made it. Im surviving the trauma. The unexpected can happen unexpectedly y’all. Be Careful ❤️ A very big thank you to the Doctors and Plastic Surgeons who have taken and still are taking care of me. Thank you to my GRANDMA. My whole world. My backbone, my bonus mama .. without you I’m nothing. Thank you to my siblings, uncles, aunts and cousin for their doings ..The bathing, the help eating, EVERYTHING. Big sissy love yall! Thank you to my family and friends who I have yet to thank for continuously checking up on me, y’all “khiyah” loves y’all. Thank you to my partner who doesn’t miss a day without making sure I’m ok and of telling me i’m beautiful even though I haven’t felt it. I love you . Thank you for my HIGH PRAYING SUPPORT SYSTEM, I love you all. Most of all thank you to the most high my GOD. My healer, my protector, my ears, my everything. Thank YOU -- Takhiyah McGlory Note: Story shared with permission

UrbanCast Comments
Alexandria, LA (12/21/2023) – Incidents and situations like this cannot continue to happen in our city. Gun violence is at all-time highs in our most underserved and marginalized parts of the city.
Most families take care of their responsibilities as parents and guardians to prevent these tragedies from happening. But there are measures the city’s administration and council can do that would lessen the need for these types of events to occur.
We need to focus on what is the root cause of the increase in gun violence and get a commitment from the administration and council to at least address it transparently and make it a priority to decrease these types of things from happening.
Thankfully for this young lady and her partner, they were not added to the list of homicides that happened this year in Alexandria.
Hopefully, Takhiyah story helps to start the discussion between community leaders, churches, the city council, and the city administration on how we can lessen the rate at which these tragedies happen.
May God continue to guide you and bless you, young lady. This type of nonsense has to stop and has to be addressed. Not tomorrow, not later, but now. Before the victims are your family members.